miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2018

TIPS PARA EVALUACION 5 Grado 4° tercer periodo unit 6

What is the question:

1. How many oceans are there? there are 4 major oceans
2. Which ocean is the largest? The largest ocean on earth is the pacific ocean.
3. How much per cent does the Pacific ocean cover? It covers 30% of the planet´s ocean.
4. ___________________________________________ ? The pacific ocean has an estimated 25000 islands

Recuerda que para hcer preguntas debes usar este plan:

how much
how many       +   do/does/did/is/are/am etc ´+ pronuoun + verb + complemento

how many islands does the pacific ocean have? Esta seria la mejor pregunta para la 4.

otro ejemplo:

La respuesta es:

The 3RD LARGEST ocean is the Indian ocean.

La pregunta seria...

What is the 3rd largest Ocean?

Practica con mas oraciones y saca las preguntas.

martes, 6 de marzo de 2018

tips para evaluacion 4 GRADE 4

  • Lily is a flower
  • She is an actor/actress
  • In one of the pictures there is a writer
  • There are some interesting TV programs about nature and animals
  • One of the pictures shows an athlete
  • School Subject: Science is my favorite
  • One of the pictures shows a nice hobby: photography
Study unit 5, vocabulary, and grammar focus.

Make comparisons and superlatives sentences:

The white t-shirt is nicer than the stamped t-shirt, but the best tshirt is the third one.

Make questions:

a) (heavy/ person) ________________________________________________________?
b) (nice/t shirt) ___________________________________________________________ ?
c) (interesting/video game) _________________________________________________ ?
d) ( funny/actor) In your opinion who _________________________________________ ?

My mother doesn’t like cold weather.  She thinks cold weather is ____________________ than warm weather.  .
Make sentences with the vocabulary from the chart:
good; ____________________________________________________________________
better: ___________________________________________________________________
best: _____________________________________________________________________
bad: _____________________________________________________________________
worse: ___________________________________________________________________

lunes, 26 de febrero de 2018

tips para evaluacion 3 GRADE 4° tercer periodo

Estudiar vocabulario: unit 6 parte 1

2. Estudiar como se llaman las capas del oceano.
3. Estudiar can, must, have to